Javert owed the post which he occupied to the protection of M.Chabouillet, the secretary of the Minister of State, Comte Angeles, then prefect of police at Paris. 沙威取得这个职位是夏布耶先生保荐的,夏布耶先生是昂格勒斯伯爵任内阁大臣期间的秘书,当时任巴黎警署署长。
As far as Israel is concerned, the US and Europe should take a much harder line on Israeli settlements in the occupied territories that continue to eat into the land of a future Palestinian state. 就以色列方面而言,美国和欧洲应该对以色列在占领区建立定居点采取更为强硬的立场&这些定居点会持续蚕食未来巴勒斯坦国的领土。
It dwelt in her mind and occupied her consciousness during many long afternoons in which her rocking-chair and her latest novel contributed the only pleasures of her state. 在那些漫长的下午,当她唯一的消遣是坐在摇椅上,看最新出版的小说时,那次演出便萦绕在她的心头,占满了她的脑海。
To be wholly occupied with others, never to look within, is the state of blindness of those who are entirely engrossed by what is present and addressed to their sense; 完全集中注意他人而不自省,是某些人的又是一种盲目状态;这些人全神贯注于眼前事物以及感官感受到的一切;
CE X century The Kitans became powerful and occupied the north and north-east China and established the Kitan State. 契丹人强大,占据了中国北方和东北,建立契丹国。
The relationship between stress and strain was obtained if the proportion occupied by solid-like and liquid-like regions in the matrix of glassy state was considered. 当考虑到体系中固状区和液状区的比例之后,得出了应力与应变之间的关系式。
There are four surface state bands in the gap. Among them, two occupied surface state bands have been confirmed by valence band spectra of synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy. 在带隙附近存在四个表面态带,其中的两个占有表面态带已由价带的同步辐射光电子能谱实验得到证实。
The highest occupied state ( HOS) of COT H is at 1.8 eV below the Fermi level. 从UPS谱图中可以看到,COT-H材料的最高占有态(HOS:highestoccu-piedstate)位于费米能级以下1.8eV处。
We investigate the spatial dependent spectra of atomic superlattice and atomic string. The spectra at the center of atoms in the atomic superlattice fist reveal the existence of the occupied electron band of surface state below Fermi level. 我们研究了原子超晶格和原子链的不同位置的扫描隧道谱,其中原子中心处的扫描隧道谱从实验上观察到了费米能级以下占据表面态电子带的存在。
Qin state not only owned more lacquer oak resources, but also got a lot of paint technologists after it occupied Chu State. 秦占据楚地之后,不但占有了丰富的漆树资源,同时也获得了大量的漆工艺者。